The United Kingdom would temporarily set tariffs at zero for nearly 90 percent of imported goods should it leave the European Union with no transition deal in place, the U.K. Department for International Trade said in a March 13 press release announcing a draft tariff and customs scheme in the run-up to a vote in Parliament on whether to leave with no deal.
Country of origin cases
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency sent an AIRS update announcing that it changed the release recommendation for the Pacific cupped oyster originating in the U.S from “Refer to CFIA -- NISC” to “Refuse entry" when destined to the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec. The change affects goods of Canadian tariff subheading
CBP would like even more public feedback on how to modernize the agency's processes and regulations, CBP said in a notice. CBP said it is reopening the comment period until April 11 to allow for new input after it held a March 1 meeting to discuss a wide range of ideas for updates. The March 1 meeting included few mentions of exports, but the docket of the original request for comments includes multiple suggestions and criticisms on the export side.
Agricultural products imported into the European Union from the United Kingdom will face new export certificate requirements related to radiation testing once the U.K. leaves the EU at the end of March 29, the EU said in a new regulation published March 8. The EU requires non-members to test their agricultural product exports for radioactive contamination if they are located in the zone affected by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, and the U.K. will become one of those countries after Brexit, the EU said. “As soon as Union law ceases to apply to and in the United Kingdom, agricultural products originating in the United Kingdom will have to be checked in terms of radioactive contamination before they are allowed to enter the Union,” the regulation said.
CBP is starting to automate filings on used-car exports, a move that will help it more efficiently regulate an industry that has been “heavily infiltrated” by international criminal organizations, said Jim Swanson, director of CBP’s cargo and conveyance security and controls division. Swanson said CBP will move from a paper-based to an electronic-based filing system for used-car exports, which will allow the agency to verify or prohibit certain exports more quickly and accurately, abandoning an old method that sometimes resulted in original car titles getting lost.
Brazil recently issued updated guidance that “aims to modernize and facilitate” procedures related to origin facilitation, KPMG said in a March 5 client alert. “Among other innovations,” the new guidance establishes that “an origin declaration may be presented for tariff preference purposes if provided for in the relevant trade agreement,” and also says “self-regulation (via import declarations) may be allowed for the importer, buyer or consignee, subject to certain conditions, and before [Brazil customs] initiates a procedure regarding the proof of origin,” KPMG said. The guidance also sets definitions for key terms, including proof of origin, declaration of origin and certificate of compliance.
Failure to provide the Canada Border Services Agency with proof of origin upon request, corrections to origin declarations, or reports of diverted goods are among customs compliance violations that will face steeper penalties starting in April, the CBSA said in a March 5 notice. The CBSA previously said it planned to increase the Administrative Monetary Penalties for trade compliance violations (see 1903040034), but had not provided details on the changes.
Hong Kong’s Trade and Industry Department issued updated procedures for applying for a Delivery Verification Certificate, the department said March 4. DVCs, provided to exporters as proof that their product has arrived in Hong Kong, are issued by the department after a request from the Hong Kong importer who receives the good, the department said. Along with a specific “SC011” or “TID 85” form, DVC applications must include a “bill of lading/master air waybill” and a “commercial invoice,” the department said, and can be submitted by paper or electronically as long as the applicant includes an original signed copy of the DVC application. The applicant is also required to declare that the product being shipped has arrived in Hong Kong and that the description of the product is accurate, the department said, adding that false or misleading statements can lead to “prosecution and/or administrative actions.” DVCs are usually approved within 15 business days after receipt of the application and supporting documents, the department said.