The U.K. added Iceland to its list of permitted destinations under its open general export license for dual-use items. In another notice concerning the OGEL for printed circuit boards and components for dual-use goods, the Department for International Trade announced it's now requiring registration before first use of the license. In a notice concerning the OGELs for the export of military goods brought into the U.K. for repairs, the DIT said it now permits those items to be reexported after repairs in the U.K. or the country of original manufacture.
The U.S. and Japan will raise the beef safeguard trigger level under the two countries’ trade deal, reducing the possibility that U.S. beef exporters will face higher tariffs when shipping to Japan, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said March 24. The deal now requires three separate triggers to be met before Japan can raise tariffs on imports of U.S. beef, giving U.S. exporters more “certainty” when trading with Japan, a senior USTR official said.
U.K. International Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan will be "calling in" the Trade Remedies Authority's recommendation relating to British steel safeguard measures, the Department for International Trade said. By doing so, the secretary now decides whether to vary, maintain or revoke the measures, taking into account the TRA's findings. In June 2021, the TRA recommended extending the safeguard measures on 10 product categories for three years and revoking the measures on nine product categories. She accepted the recommendation, also providing for a 12-month extension of the current protections for five of the nine product categories originally floated for revocation.
Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., and Rep. Doris Matsui, D-Calif., on March 21 expressed optimism that Congress can begin conference negotiations on its China package before the end of the work period, as planned by Senate leadership (see 2203170075).
Myanmar recently published new labeling requirements for imported prepackaged food, the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service said in a March 17 report. The change requires food labels to include certain minimum information, including a list of ingredients, the country of origin, date marking and instructions for use. The requirements will take effect Jan. 20, 2023.
The Los Angeles and Long Beach ports again postponed by a week a new surcharge meant to incentivize the movement of dwelling containers (see 2110280031), the two ports announced March 18. The ports originally planned to begin imposing the fee in November last year, but have postponed it each week since. The latest extension delays the effective date until March 25.
The Bureau of Industry and Security last week released a list of commercial and private aircraft that have violated U.S. export controls by flying into Russia and which require a license for “any form of service.” The agency said it will impose penalties, jail time or loss of export privileges for any company or person that violates the Export Administration Regulations by providing “any form of service” to the aircraft without a required BIS license.
Even as the European Council agreed on the approach to a carbon border adjustment mechanism, a lawmaker in the EU Parliament said that the fact that CBAM did not make it out of the trade committee showed how thorny it will be to get a law passed to hike tariffs on imports that do not come from countries that are fighting climate change as strongly as the EU.
The Federal Maritime Commission will adopt a proposed rule to modernize and clarify some requirements associated with the filing of marine terminal operator schedules, the commission said in a final rule issued this week. The rule, originally proposed in September (see 2109210014), is intended to update “outdated” requirements and clarify existing definitions, such as “bulk cargo” and “marine terminal operator.” The changes, which don’t affect policy, take effect April 18.
The Census Bureau has received mostly opposing comments on a proposal for a new country of origin data element in the Automated Export System but hasn’t yet made a decision about whether to move forward with the change, said Kiesha Downs, chief of the agency’s Foreign Trade Division’s regulations branch. The rule (see 2112140033), which would require U.S. exporters of foreign-produced goods to declare the country of origin (COO) for their item in AES, could lead to costly compliance challenges (see 2201040044), companies and trade groups recently told the agency.