The Census Bureau is adding COSCO Shipping Lines (North America) and Ocean Network Express (North America) to its list of carriers participating in the ACE Electronic Export Manifest pilot for vessel cargo, CBP said in an April 5 CSMS message. Both carriers are “submitting 100%” EEM and will “not be required to submit the CF 1302A – Cargo Declaration – Outward with Commercial Forms, in the Document Image System (DIS) or directly to the port of departure in paper form.”
A blog post published April 2 by the Census Bureau outlines Automated Export System reporting requirements for gold and some of the most common mistakes exporters make when trying to file information on their gold exports. The blog details how filers should report the quantity of gold, its shipping weight, its value in U.S. dollars and more.
The Fish and Wildlife Service will once again automatically apply import and export restrictions to species it designates as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, reinstating its “blanket rule” protections in a final rule released April 2.
PHILADELPHIA -- While the intersection of trade and climate change isn't yet massive in terms of policy, a CBP green trade official noted that climate change is already affecting the transport of goods.
The Census Bureau is hoping to figure out within the next several weeks whether it will eliminate an Automated Export System data element that collects redundant information on an export’s state of origin, a Commerce Department official said last week.
CBP issued a list of companies offering ACE Electronic Export Manifest data processing services. The agency created the list “in response to requests from the export trade community,” CBP said in a March 26 CSMS message. “Inclusions on this list do not constitute any form of an endorsement by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as to the nature, extent, or quality of the services, which may be provided.”
The Census Bureau emailed tips this week on how to address the most frequent messages generated this month in the Automated Export System.
CBP again extended a deadline to allow users more time to continue submitting certain documents through the Document Imaging System as it tries to convince more operators to participate in its Electronic Export Manifest pilot, the agency said in a March 18 emailed CSMS message. DIS will continue accepting submissions of “Form 1302A Cargo Declaration - Outbound with Commercial Form” through Oct. 1, CBP said. The deadline was previously April 1, and has been extended multiple times (see 2209200080, 2303130012 and 2309200022).
The Food Safety and Inspection Service will soon issue its new regulations on voluntary “Product of USA” or “Made in USA” labeling for meat, poultry and egg products, USDA said in a March 11 news release. Under the final rule, establishments using U.S.-origin claims will need to comply with the new requirements by Jan. 1, 2026.
CBP has “cleared” a proposed rule to mandate electronic export manifest for all cargo leaving the U.S. by rail, acting CBP Commissioner Troy Miller said during a March 6 meeting of the Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee. Miller said the rule may undergo another “intergovernmental review” before it can be published in the Federal Register. CBP in its fall 2023 regulatory agenda said it was hoping to publish the rule in June (see 2401030037).