Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan and Support for the Afghan People, Issuance of Afghanistan-related Counter Terrorism General Licenses, and related Frequently Asked Questions; Counter Terrorism Designations | Office of Foreign Assets Control
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Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan and Support for the Afghan People, Issuance of Afghanistan-related Counter Terrorism General Licenses, and related Frequently Asked Questions; Counter Terrorism Designations

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Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is issuing a Fact Sheet on the, "Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan and Support for the Afghan People" to emphasize that U.S. sanctions on the Taliban and the Haqqani Network do not stand in the way of assistance for or personal remittances to Afghanistan.  OFAC has issued Afghanistan-related Counter Terrorism General License 17 "Authorizing Official Business of the United States Government," General License 18 "Authorizing Official Activities of Certain International Organizations and Other International Entities," and General License 19 "Authorizing Certain Transactions in Support of Nongovernmental Organizations’ Activities in Afghanistan."  OFAC has also published new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 950 (This content has been removed), 951, 952, 953, 954, 955 and amended FAQs 928, 929 and 931.

In addition, the following names have been added to OFAC's list of Specially Designated Nationals.


The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List: 

AL-KHATIB, Ahmad (a.k.a. AL KHATIB, Ahmad; a.k.a. EL KHATIB, Ahmad), Sao Paulo, Brazil; DOB 03 Jul 1969; nationality Egypt; alt. nationality Lebanon; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 234.904.268-51 (Brazil) (individual) [SDGT]. 
AL-MAGHRABI, Haytham Ahmad Shukri Ahmad (a.k.a. ELMAGHRABY, Haytham Ahmed S.A.; a.k.a. ELMAGHRABY, Haytham Ahmed Shokry Ahmed; a.k.a. ELMAGHRABY, Haytham Ahmed Shukri Ahmad), Brazil; DOB 07 Sep 1986; POB Egypt; nationality Egypt; Gender Male; Passport A09538178 (Egypt); Tax ID No. 238.624.338-97 (Brazil) (individual) [SDGT]. 
AWADD, Mohamed Sherif Mohamed Mohamed (a.k.a. AWAAD, Mohamedsherif Mohamed Mohamed; a.k.a. AWAAD, Muhammad Sharif Muhammad Muhammad), Brazil; DOB 08 Jul 1973; nationality Egypt; alt. nationality Syria; Gender Male; Passport A17058452 (Egypt); Tax ID No. 713.286.841-13 (Brazil) (individual) [SDGT].

The following entities have been added to OFAC's SDN List:

ENTERPRISE COMERCIO DE MOVEIS E INTERMEDIACAO DE NEGOCIOS EIRELI (Latin: ENTERPRISE COMÉRCIO DE MOVEIS E INTERMEDIAÇÃO DE NEGOCIOS EIRELI) (a.k.a. "CASO E CASA"), Rua Ernesto Nazareth 18, Jardim Paraventi, Guarulhos, Sao Paulo 07120-230, Brazil; Rua Tapaciquara 54, Sala 01, Parque Renato Maia, Guarulhos, Sao Paulo 07114-220, Brazil; Organization Established Date 08 Oct 2019; Tax ID No. 35.116.112/0001-97 (Brazil) [SDGT] (Linked To: AL-KHATIB, Ahmad). 
HOME ELEGANCE COMERCIO DE MOVEIS EIRELI (Latin: HOME ELEGANCE COMÉRCIO DE MOVEIS EIRELI) (a.k.a. DAIANA PORTELLA COELHO COMERCIO DE MOVEIS E COLCHOES; a.k.a. MARROCOS MOVEIS E COLCHOES; a.k.a. MOHAMED AWAAD COMERCIO DE MOVEIS EIRELI; a.k.a. "HOME ELEGANCE"), Rua Dorezopolis, 669, Casa 03, Jardim Santa Clara, Guarulhos, Sao Paulo 07123-120, Brazil; Organization Established Date 11 Oct 2018; Tax ID No. 31.746.200/0001-11 (Brazil) [SDGT] (Linked To: AWADD, Mohamed Sherif Mohamed Mohamed).