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I. Relevant Security Council resolution and Implementation Assistance Notice No. 7

The comprehensive humanitarian exemption mechanism as established by the 1718 Sanctions Committee to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is provided by the following:

Implementation Assistance Notice No. 7 Document PDF (IAN No 7): “Guidelines for Obtaining Exemptions to Deliver Humanitarian Assistance to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”

    * Optional template documents to be used for exemption applications:

    Annex I: Project outline (PDF, Word)

    Annex II : Detailed list of items and specifications for proposed humanitarian assistance (PDFExcel)

II. Who can submit a request for a humanitarian exemption to the Committee?

  • Member States;
  • International Organizations; and
  • Non-Governmental Organizations

that carry out assistance/relief activities in the DPRK for the benefit of the civilian population of the DPRK.

International and non-governmental organizations can seek exemptions from the Committee through:

1) Member States; or

2) the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator to the DPRK if a Member State is unable or any other way not in a position to route such a request to the Committee; or

3) through the Committee Secretary if both a Member State and the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the DPRK are unable to submit in any other way not in a position to submit exemption requests to the Committee.

For more information, please see IAN No 7 Document PDF.

*United Nations agencies, ICRC, IFRC, IOC, or an organization that has received two or more exemptions during 18 months preceding the date of the new application, or whose exemption request is in regards to providing urgent emergency humanitarian assistance to the DPRK people, such as aid to fight against pandemic outbreaks, like Covid-19, or aid to respond to natural disaster, can submit exemption requests directly to the Committee via the Committee Secretary, in accordance with the relevant national authorities and organization bylaws.

For more information, please see IAN No. 7

III. What is the format of a request for humanitarian exemption?

Requests are to be submitted, on official letterhead, containing the following elements:

  • Nature of humanitarian assistance proposed to be provided to the DPRK for the benefit of the civilian population of the DPRK;
  • Explanation of the DPRK recipients and criteria employed to select beneficiaries;
  • Reasons for requiring a Committee exemption;
  • Detailed description with quantities and relevant specifications (including, to the extent possible, make, model and manufacturer) of the goods and services to be provided within the exemption period to the DPRK for what purpose and to whom;
  • Planned date(s) of proposed transfer to the DPRK within the exemption period;
  • Planned route(s) and method(s) of transfer including ports of departure and entry to be used for shipments;
  • All parties involved in the transfers, including DPRK entities, whether receiving authorization or or providing support, that can be identified at the time of submission of the application;
  • Financial transactions associated with the transfers;
  • Annex containing itemized list of all planned transfers of goods and services with quantities, approximate value of goods and services in U.S. dollars or local currency, and planned shipment date;
  • Confirmation whether the Committee approval letter and its annex can be published on the 1718 Committee website upon issuance, and
  • Measures to ensure that assistance to be provided to the DPRK are used for the intended purposes, such as monitoring plan, and not diverted for prohibited purposes.

Applicants obtaining exemptions should do their utmost to consolidate all planned shipments into three shipments or less every nine months, per project, to the extent practicable. In case of necessary and well-justified changes to items planned for transfer to the DPRK (such as exact specifications and quantities) and/or the method and parties involved in the transactions (such a the final shipping and delivery plan), the applicant shoud promptly provide the Committee with all changes needed for review through a follow-up exemption letter.The requested changes will be reviewed and appropriate adjustments made to the exemption, where necessary.  If an applicant is unable to provide the above information, the applicant should submit the reason the information is missing and a plan to update the Committee as the details become available.  Applicants facing any challenges during the process should consult the relevant Member State, the Committee Chair, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the DPRK. 

For applicants' convenience and optional use, the Committee has made available the following optional template documents to be used for exemption applications:

Annex I: Project outline (PDF, Word)

Annex II : Detailed list of items and specifications for proposed humanitarian assistance (PDF, Excel)

IV. How to submit requests for exemptions for humanitarian assistance to the Committee

  1. Request from Member States are to be submitted to:
  • The Chair of the Committee, Her Excellency Mrs. Pascale Christine Baeriswyl (Switzerland) through the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations with copy to the Secretary of the Committee, Mr. Davey McNab, Email address:

2. Requests from international and Non-Governmental Organizations if a Member State is unable or in any other way not in a position to route such a request to the Committee are to be submitted to:

  • The United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office for DPRK, Mr. Joe Colombano, Email address: 

3. Requests from International and Non-Governmental Organizations if both a Member State and the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the DPRK are unable or in any other way not in the position to submit exemption requests to the Committee:

 United Nations agencies, ICRC, IFRC, IOC, or an organization that has received two or more exemptions during 18 months preceding the date of the new application, or whose exemption request is in regards to providing urgent emergency humanitarian assistance to the DPRK people, such as aid to fight against pandemic outbreaks, like Covid-19, or aid to respond to natural disaster, can submit exemption requests directly to the Committee via the Committee Secretary, in accordance with the relevant national authorities and organization bylaws.

V. Committee Exemption Approval Process

The Committee endeavors to process humanitarian exemption requests as quickly as possible to provide decisions within a reasonable timeframe in accordance withe the Committee Guidelines.  Exemptions will be granted for a period of nine months from the date of the letter by which the Committee has granted the exemption, unless the applicant specifically requests otherwise and provides a well-founded justification, such as transportation delays related to a pandemic, for the Committee to consider.

If the applicant that received an exemption is unable to complete the project within the exemption timeframe, the applicant should submit an extension request with an explanation, at least ten business days before the expiration date of the exemption. The Committee will review extension requests, update exemption requests, and urgent emergency humanitarian assistance requests, such as those aimed at responding to pandemic outbreaks, like COVID-19, or natural disasters on an expedited timeframe.

VI. Committee Exemption Approval Letter

If the Committee approves a request, it will issue a Committee Exemption Approval Letter to the requesting party that explains specifically what the Committee approves for transfer to the DPRK. An annex with an approved list of goods and services by quantity and planned shipment date will be appended to the Committee approval letter.

The Committee approval letter and its annex will be published on the 1718 Committee website upon issuance for the public for the exemption period. The approval letter will be translated to all UN languages and the applicant may share it with relevant parties. If there is a need for the annex to be translated, for example, to help with procurement, customs, or financial transactions, the applicant should include a translated version in its initial application to be posted online once approved.

Limitations of 1718 Committee Exemptions

Receiving exemptions from the Committee for United Nations sanctions does not exempt those organizations and their proposed transactions from the relevant domestic regulations and licensing requirements of Member States involved in those transactions. All international or non-governmental organizations requesting exemptions from the Committee must also fully observe relevant regulatory and licensing requirements of Member States that have jurisdiction over all aspects of the proposed transactions and involved parties, such as submitting a translated version of the annex of the Committee exemption approval letter to the customs authority in countries where English is not an official language and adhering to cash carry limitations. 

As of 20 December 2024, the Committee has approved a total of 111 humanitarian exemption requests in accordance with paragraph 25 of Security Council resolution 2397 (2017).


VI. Humanitarian Exemption(s) in Effect


Exemption granted toPurpose of the humanitarian assistanceApproval letter and annex (containing approved list of goods and services and planned shipment date)Start date of approved exemptionDate of expiration of approved exemption 
ItalyShipment of agricultural machinery and equipment to the DPRK by AGROTEC SPA, an Italian company which was contracted by the European Commission to export the abovementioned machinery and equipment for the purpose of improving food security in the DPRK.Italy exemption request – approval note verbale and annex25 July 201926 February 2025
Christian Friends of Korea (CFK)Procurement and shipment to the DPRK of materials and equipment required for CFK’s humanitarian projects for vulnerable populations of tuberculosis, hepatitis and pediatric patients in the DPRK, extended for an exceptional 12-month timeframe given the challenges related to the shipment of goods as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.CFK exemption request – approval letter and annex7 August 201910 December 2025

Import of items to support the Improving Nutrition of Vulnerable Groups project, in Nampo and South Pyongan Province, through the provision of a glass greenhouse system and related materials.

Exemption request – approval letter and annex4 August 20206 December 2025
UNRCImport of items by Yoido Full Gospel Missions Foundation (YGMF) for a project treating severe diseases of vulnerable groups in the DPRK.Exemption request – approval letter and annex28 October 202119 January 2025
UNRCImport of items to the DPRK to support the construction of a disinfection-purposed swine house facility and to provide disinfection equipment in order to prevent the spread of African Swine Fever.UNRC exemption request – approval letter and annex3 November 20215 December 2025
UNRCImport of coal briquette machines by the nongovernmental organization Coal Briquettes for Neighbors in Korea (CBNK), for the prevention of water and food-borne diseases among vulnerable populations in Goseong County, Gangwon Province of the DPRK.UNRC exemption request – approval letter and annex5 April 20228 April 2025
Ignis CommunityShipment to the DPRK of necessary medical and rehabilitation equipment for the Pyongyang Spine and Rehabilitation Centre (PYSRC).Ignis Community exemption request – approval letter and annex12 August 20222 January 2025
Eugene Bell Foundation (EBF)Shipment of supplies necessary to maintain and expand EBF’s ongoing diagnosis and treatment program for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and extensively-drug resistant tuberculosis in the DPRK.EBF exemption request – approval letter and annex2 September 20229 October 2025
UNICEF Shipment of items vital for UNICEF’s operations in the DPRK focused on health, nutrition, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), the majority of which are for delivering safe water supply to the communities, nurseries/kindergartens, schools and clinics/hospitals. UNICEF exemption request – approval letter and annex 14 October 2022 14 October 2025 
UNICEF Shipment of items vital for UNICEF’s operations in the DPRK focused on health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), necessary for the delivery of safe water supply to communities, including nurseries, schools, clinics and hospitals, and crucial for the provision of essential lifesaving services for mothers and their children.UNICEF exemption request – approval letter and annex28 July 202314 June 2025
World Health Organization Import of IT items into the DPRK for the exclusive use of the Country 
Office and its personnel to facilitate the continued and effective operations of the WHO Country 
Office for DPRK in Pyongyang 
WHO exemption request – approval letter and annex 18 September 2023  14 June 2025 
UNICEFImport of items vital for the proper functioning of cold chain equipment used for UNICEF’s programme activities in the DPRK.UNICEF exemption request – approval letter and annex20 March 202420 March 2025
WHOImport of multipurpose tents and infrared thermometers to the DPRK pertaining to humanitarian activities WHO intends to undertake in the DPRK.WHO exemption request – approval letter and annex1 April 20241 January 2025
Gyeonggi-do Provincial Government (GGD)To provide a water purification facility to prevent water-borne disease and supply clean, uncontaminated water to residents in rural villages in the DPRKGGD exemption request – approval letter and annex6 June 20246 June 2025
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)Shipment to the DPRK of laptops for the use of the IFRC Country Delegation to support its continued and effective operationsIFRC exemption request – approval letter and annex6 August 2024 6 August 2025
Korean Sharing Movement (KSM)Shipment of materials and equipment to the DPRK to refurbish and improve the facilities at the Gaepung Tree Nursery, located in North Hwanghae province, aimed to contribute to the restoration of devastated forests in the South and North Hwanghae provinces and to improve food security for residents in nearby areas.KSM exemption request – approval letter and annex2 December 201921 August 2025
WHOTransfer of laboratory equipment for vaccine preventable diseases (VPD), aimed at controlling and preventing the VPD, as well as equipping the National Laboratory to support quality diagnosis and management of diseases for the civilian population.WHO exemption request – approval letter and annex29 August 202429 August 2025
UNICEFImport of items vital for the proper functioning of supply and cold chain systems that are used in projects to improve the quality of maternal, newborn and child health care and for the completion of a water and sanitation project in line with UNICEF’s programme activities in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).UNICEF exemption request – approval letter and annex23 September 202423 September 2025
UNICEFProcurement and shipment of the items to the DPRK vital for the completion of a water and sanitation project in line with UNICEF’s programme activities in the DPRK.UNICEF exemption request – approval letter and annex3 December 20243 December 2025
FAOImportation of items related to the FAO project to support farmers by introducing digital technologies and innovations in agriculture, which is also aimed to develop a digital ecosystem baseline together with identifying, developing and implementing selected digital solutions for increased agricultural production and improve food and nutrition security, in particular for vulnerable groups including children and pregnant or lactating women.FAO exemption request – approval letter and annex7 October 20247 October 2025
FAOImport of items related to two projects, entitled “Technical support for the improved animal feed production in cooperative farms” and “Technical support for improved wheat/barley production under double cropping system”FAO exemption request – approval letter and annex20 December 202420 December 2025
ItalyTransfer of funds to cover operational costs of the  European Union Project “Food Security Office” for the purpose of providing humanitarian assistance in the DPRK by Agriconsulting SA (AESA), an Italian company which was awarded an EU tender for providing technical support for food-related matters to the DPRK.Italy exemption request – approval letter and annex8 November 20248 November 2025
CanadaExport of soymilk production systems and food processing systems by First Steps Health SocietyCanada exemption request – approval letter and annex29 November 202429 November 2025 
Export of metal handles and lids for buckets, fingernail clippers, and safety pins, and the completion of two cash transfers for the construction of wells at two pediatric hospitals by the Mennonite Central Committee Canada

Canada exemption request – approval letter and annex
29 November 202429 August 2025