Policy paper

UK's approach to negotiating a free trade agreement with Australia

The UK’s objectives in trade negotiations with Australia.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government



This document explains the UK government’s:

  • negotiating objectives for an enhanced trade agreement between the UK and Australia
  • response to the consultation on a trade agreement between the UK and Australia, including how the consultation informed the UK’s negotiating objectives
  • initial assessment of the potential long-term impacts of a trade agreement between the UK and Australia

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Published 17 June 2020
Last updated 17 July 2020
  1. Updated to correct an error in table 11 and corresponding total percentage value in the text and table 17.

  2. HTML version: missing first sentence added into Outline approach: Sustainability section. Last sentence in Outline approach: intellectual property section corrected to match version in pdf.

  3. First published.

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