The Fish and Wildlife Service is removing the Nelson’s checker-mallow (Sidalcea nelsoniana), a flowering plant found in the Willamette Valley and the Coast Range of Oregon and Washington, from the Endangered Species List, it said in a final rule released Oct. 16. An FWS review indicated that “threats to Nelson’s checker-mallow have been eliminated or reduced to the point that the species no longer meets the definition of an endangered or threatened species," the agency said. The delisting takes effect Nov. 16.
The Fish and Wildlife Service is removing 21 species from its Endangered Species List because the species have gone extinct. A final rule released by FWS on Oct. 16 delists the little Marana fruit bat and 10 species of birds, including the Kauai akialoa; Kauai nukupuu; Kauai 'o'o (honeyeater); Large Kauai thrush (kam'a); Maui akepa; Maui nukupuu; Molokai creeper (kakawahie); po'ouli (honeycreeper); bridled white-eye and Bachman's warbler. It also removes two fish species, the San Marcos Gambusia and the Scioto madtom. Eight species of clams are also being removed, including the flat pigtoe; southern acornshell; stirrupshell; upland combshell; green blossom (pearly mussel); tubercled blossom (pearly mussel); turgid blossom (pearly mussel) and the yellow blossom (pearly mussel). The final rule takes effect Nov. 16.
The Census Bureau this week published a blog post to provide guidance for Automated Export System users trying to determine how to report the Ultimate Consignee in their Electronic Export Information. Census said ultimate consignee reporting becomes “more complicated” when the known end user and the Ultimate Consignee are two different entities and they reside in two different countries.
CBP later this month will remove the launch button for the Automated Export System from the legacy ACE Portal, the agency said in an Oct. 10 CSMS message. Following this change, effective Oct. 21, users will only be able to launch the AESDirect User Interface from the modernized ACE Portal. The message includes step-by-step instructions for launching AESDirect from the modernized ACE Portal.
The Census Bureau this week emailed tips on how to address the most frequent messages generated this month in the Automated Export System.
The Drug Enforcement Administration is proposing to list ethylphenidate, a central nervous system stimulant, under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, it said in a notice published Sept. 22. “If finalized, this action would impose the regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions applicable to schedule I controlled substances on persons who handle (manufacture, distribute, reverse distribute, import, export, engage in research, conduct instructional activities or chemical analysis, or possess) or propose to handle ethylphenidate.” Comments are due by Nov. 21.
CBP again extended a deadline to allow users more time to continue submitting certain documents through the Document Imaging System as it tries to convince more operators to participate in its Electronic Export Manifest pilot, the agency said in a Sept. 19 CSMS message. DIS will continue accepting submissions of “Form 1302A Cargo Declaration - Outward with Commercial Forms” through April 1, CBP said. The deadline was previously Oct. 1, and has been extended multiple times (see 2209200080 and 2303130012).
The Census Bureau is seeking public comments on an information collection involving the Automated Export System, the agency said in a notice released this week. Census said it’s requesting “continued clearance” of AES as a result of a new conditional data element, effective Nov. 8, that shippers will need to report when exporting items classified under U.S. Munitions List Category XXI (see 2308090018). The agency requested feedback on a previous version of the information collection last November and said it’s allowing for “an additional 30 days for public comments.”
The Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee issued a September update on the status of its Export Modernization Working Group's actions ahead of the Sept. 20 COAC meeting.
The U.S. Census Bureau clarified who the ultimate consignee would be for certain scenarios, in a blog post on Sept. 7. The blog post includes a few scenarios wherein the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI) or foreign buyer is listed as the ultimate consignee, and two of those wherein "reseller/distributor" is listed as the Ultimate Consignee Type if they are reselling or distributing the goods.