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Top ECD Articles You May Have Missed From Last Week

Export Compliance Daily is providing readers with the top stories from last week in case you missed them. You can find any article by searching for the title or by clicking on the hyperlinked reference number.

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ArticleReference #
BIS Adds Over 100 to Entity List, Including Chinese Suppliers Named in Red Flag Letters2408230016
New BIS Guidance Covers Export Control Contract Clauses, Rental Addresses2408230028
Export Due Diligence Challenges Causing Companies to Cancel Deals, Industry Official Says2408270021
BIS Fines US Manufacturer for Bahrain-Related Antiboycott Violations2408260038
BIS Should Clarify Whether Chip Controls Apply to AI-Capable CPUs, Researchers Say2408260047
BIS Targets Russian 'Procurement Entities,' Issues New Software-Related Controls2408230006
Former Russian Bank Executive Secures Sanctions Removal After Suing State Dept.2408280031
Senator Seeks Crackdown on Chinese Firms That Use New Names to Evade US Sanctions2408260032
Canada to Impose New Steel Import Filing Requirements2408260042
Canada to Match US With 100% Duty on Chinese EV Imports2408260033