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Top ECD Articles You May Have Missed From Last Week

Export Compliance Daily is providing readers with the top stories from last week in case you missed them. You can find any article by searching for the title or by clicking on the hyperlinked reference number.

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ArticleReference #
Adding Only Addresses to Entity List Could Cause Screening Challenges, Industry Says2406180033
BIS Working on 'Follow Up Rule' for Chip Export Controls, Official Says2406180037
BIS Denial Order Targets US Forwarder That Failed to Improve Compliance Program2406170048
BIS Advisory Group Drafting Papers on FDP Rule, Chip Controls Challenges2406180038
BIS Adds Russian Cybersecurity Firm to Entity List, Issues ICTS Restrictions2406200032
BIS Hoping to Publish New Standards-Setting Activities Rule This Summer2406180014
Upcoming BIS Rule Could Create New 'Plurilateral' Country Group2406170020
Raise Penalties for Chinese Trade Theft, Broaden CFIUS, ITIF Says2406110031
Carriers May Be Violating Order Giving Motor Carriers Choice of Chassis Provider, FMC Says2406180061
DOJ Declination Highlights Importance of Early Disclosures, Law Firm Says2406110037