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Top ECD Articles You May Have Missed From Last Week

Export Compliance Daily is providing readers with the top stories from last week in case you missed them. You can find any article by searching for the title or by clicking on the hyperlinked reference number.

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ArticleReference #
US Needs Single Export Control List, Licensing Transparency, Commission Told2405240051
US Should Consider Barring Some Chinese FDI, Panel Told2405240055
US Considering Expanding Treasury’s Sanctions Powers to Counter Russia, Official Says2405290060
EU to Officially Implement New Supply Chain Due Diligence Rules2405240031
Subpar BIS Funding Is a 'Tragedy,' Commissioner Says2405240052
Lawmakers Ask DOJ to Probe Group Lobbying for Sanctioned Chinese Drone Firm2405240054
State Dept. Imposes Export Penalties for Illegal Transfers to Iran, North Korea, Syria2405240012
EU Pursuing New Law to Adopt Wassenaar Controls Vetoed by Russia2405300063
Congress Should Play Role in New Outbound Investment Limits, Experts Say2405240042
China Announces Export Controls on Aerospace Tech, Other Items2405300025