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Canadian Government Notices as of April 6

The government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices as of April 6 (note that some may also be given separate headlines):

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Export Compliance Daily combines U.S. export control news, foreign border import regulation and policy developments into a single daily information service that reliably informs its trade professional readers about important current issues affecting their operations.

  • Implementation of the Canada-United States–Mexico Agreement. The Canada Border Services Agency on April 3 issued Customs Notice 20-14, which provides information on the changes to the Customs Tariff that will occur because of the implementation of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) and summarizes the requirements in order to benefit from the CUSMA’s preferential rates of duty, once the agreement enters into force.
  • Increase to the Low Value Shipment (LVS) threshold for goods imported into Canada. The Canada Border Services Agency on April 4 issued Customs Notice 20-15, which provides information on regulatory changes for new low value shipment (LVS) thresholds that will be implemented at the time of entry into force of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA). Effective on the day of coming into force, CBSA will increase its LVS thresholds for all commercial importations to an estimated value for duty not exceeding CAD$3,300.
  • Statement of reasons issued for certain corrosion-resistant steel sheet. The Canada Border Services Agency made preliminary determinations on March 20, 2020, of dumping and subsidizing of certain corrosion-resistant steel sheet originating in or exported from Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. On April 3 it issued its statement of reasons.